  User Interfaces
  Bluetooth Connection
  Finding Remote Device
  Connecting To Remote Device
 The Bluetooth adapter of the local device can try to connect to the last connected remote device or the designated remote device. This role is called Bluetooth master which is the role similar to network client. The user can make it play a role in Bluetooth master whenever the application starts or restarts in software by setting Bluetooth operation mode properly.
[Connect To The Last Connected Device]
  • AT Command

  •  Entering 'ATD' command to terminal pane makes the Bluetooth adapter of the local device try to connect to the last connected device. If the last connected device does not exist, this command will respond 'ERROR'. The user can specify the last connected device manually by setting 'ATS46' register.
     Please refer to AT Commands List - ATD and AT Commands List - ATS46 for more information.

  • Bluetooth Management - Connect To Remote Device

  •  The user can also do it at the 'Connect To' tab in the 'Bluetooth Management' dialog following the instruction as below:
    1. Select 'Bluetooth Management' option menu.
    2. Select 'connect to' tab in the 'Bluetooth Management' dialog.
    3. Click 'Connect To The Last (ATD)' button.
     Then, the 'Bluetooth Management' dialog closes writing the 'ATD' command, carriage return and line feed to the terminal pane instead of the user. It causes the Bluetooth adapter to try to connect to the last connected device. If the last connected device is empty, 'Connect To The Last (ATD)' button will be disabled.
     Please, refer to Bluetooth Management - Connect To Remote Device for more information.
    [Connect To The Specific Remote Device]
  • AT Command

  •  The user can make the Bluetooth adapter try to connect to the certain remote device by entering 'ATD112233445566' command - where 112233445566 is the BD address of the remote device - to terminal pane.
     Please refer to AT Commands List - ATD112233445566 for more information.

  • Bluetooth Management - Connect To Remote Device

  •  The user can also do it at the 'Connect To' tab in the 'Bluetooth Management' dialog following the instruction as below:
    1. Select 'Bluetooth Management' option menu.
    2. Select 'connect to' tab in the 'Bluetooth Management' dialog.
    3. Enter the BD address to connect to by clicking the 'BD address' button or select the device by clicking the 'Select' button.
    1. Click 'Connect (ATD112233445566)' button.
     Then, the 'Bluetooth Management' dialog closes writing the 'ATD112233445566' command, carriage return and line feed to the terminal pane instead of the user. It causes the Bluetooth adapter to try to connect to the specific remote device. If BD address of 'Device' is 000000000000, the button will be disabled.
     Please, refer to Bluetooth Management - Connect To Remote Device for more information.
    [Automatically Connect To The Last Connected Device]
  • AT Command

  •  The user can make the Bluetooth adapter of the local device try to connect to the last connected device whenever the application starts or restarts in software with 'ATZ' command. Entering 'AT+BTMODE,1' to terminal pane, the user can force the Bluetooth adapter to connect to the last connected device when the application starts or restarts in software.  If the value of 'ATS46' s-register is 000000000000 that means no device has ever been connected before, this command will respond 'ERROR'. The user needs to set the last connected device manually using 'ATS46=112233445566' command before changing Bluetooth operation mode to 1. This command is valid after software reboot with 'ATZ' command.

  • Bluetooth Configuration - Configuration

  •  The user can also do it at the 'Configuration' tab in the 'Bluetooth Configuration' dialog following the instruction as below:
    1. Select 'Bluetooth Configuration' option menu.
    2. Select 'configuration' tab in the 'Bluetooth Configuration' dialog.
    3. Change the BD address of the last connected device with 'BD Address' button or 'Select' button.
    4. Click 'Mode' List Box.
    1. Select '1:Connect To The Last' option.
    2. Click 'Apply' button.
     Then, the 'Bluetooth Configuration' dialog closes writing the 'AT+BTMODE,1' with carriage return and line feed to the terminal pane and 'ATZ' with carriage return and line feed to terminal pane instead of the user. If the last connected device is not specified, warning toast notification pops up on selecting 'Mode' option.
     Please, refer to Bluetooth Configuration - Configuration for more information.
      Listening To Remote Device
      Changing Terminal Mode
      Bluetooth Disconnection
      Remote Device Configuration
      Terminal Settings
      Bluetooth Management
      Bluetooth Configuration
      AT Commands List